Gora S.A. provides filtering systems to diverse industries for the various fluids involved in their production processes, providing customized solutions for each need in order to obtain the most efficient results that ensure the final quality of the products. All developments utilize the latest technological advances and meet the highest quality standards.
To be the first option in the minds of consumers in Latin America when choosing a filtering system for each particular requirement.
To be a benchmark at the regional level in terms of the design and development of new technologies for fluid treatment in various industries.
- Knowledge: We are skilled in the different filtration technologies as well as the production processes they are applied to. This expertise allows us to understand the needs of our customers and to provide efficient, personalized and safe solutions to the problems of fluid contamination.
- Flexibility: Fluids, contaminants and operating conditions vary even in similar processes. That is why we understand the importance of adapting our products to the particular needs of each client, whether using standard filters or developing new products.
- Reliability: The trust placed in the Gora brand is our raison d’être, so we work every day to strengthen this attribute, meticulously controlling engineering analysis, quality controls, delivery times and the relationship with our customers.
- Technology: Technological advances in the industry translate into ever more demanding requirements for production processes. We develop along with our customers in order to provide filters that can separate ever smaller particles, reduce operating costs, protect sensitive equipment and reduce environmental pollution.
- Dynamism: We understand that the ability to be agile and versatile in responding to the requests and requirements of our customers is an essential feature in a globalized and ever changing world of information.