In our visit to Bolivia, we have been in Sucre and in Santa Cruz de la Sierra for 3 days.
In this last city, we gave a talk about filtration for YPFB`s employees, in which we treated topics such as filtration processes and phases separation. We are very pleased for the good predisposition, support and participation of almost 40 listeners that assisted to this training. 09:53:432020-01-16 10:08:56TRAINING IN BOLIVIA
On the occasion of the commemoration of Gora`s 60th birthday, we have been working on a new restyling of our work space.
Aiming to create a confortable place for our employees and customers, we have done some changes in the main hall and have built a showroom where to exhibit some of our products in a more neat way. 13:57:032019-03-19 11:35:10RENEWAL ON THE PLANT
During May, we will start our training center, a space created to transmit our knowledge in fluids troughout a series of training journeys.
Troughout this activity, we look forward to enhance the bond with our customers, generating and creating a space troughout wich everyone can deeply get to know Gora`s spirit.
In May, three days journeys will be held. Marketing area will be defining topics and will be inviting interested people to participate in them. Moreover, other talks will be held for each one of our customers activities. 20:51:452019-03-19 11:34:47THE GORA TRAINING CENTER BEGINS (C.C.G.)
From 11ths to 13th April, we have visited ExpoCapipe Oil and Gas in Neuquén, Argentina. This was the third edition of this team, products and services exposition for the oil and gas industry.
In this opportunity, we have been gathered with our customers and have enhanced the commercial strategies for the second part of the year.
The event received professionals, business men and techincal people, in the framework of an even more promising panorama of investments and development for the Patagonian region. 14:18:462019-03-19 11:34:22GORA`S SAID HI IN EXPO CACIPE 2018